Markdown test

This page is just a test.

bold and italic and monospace.


This is a paragraph that should have id="an_od" and class="a_class" to test the attr_list Markdown extension.

Code block

# code block with ticks and ".language-bash" style
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Lorem ipsum.

# code block with 4-space indent
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Lorem ipsum.

# code block with correctly escaped HTML
<b>Intentionally not bold</b>

Real-world examples

Markdown code block rendered correctly (Markdown always escapes HTML tags in code blocks):

interpreters = []
# Code goes here to populate `interpreters` with TF Interpreter objects,
# each initialized with a different model segment and Edge TPU device.
# (You can use <a href="/docs/reference/py/pycoral.utils.edgetpu/#make_interpreter"
# The order of elements in the list must match the model segmentation order
# (as they were output by the Edge TPU compiler).
for interpreter in interpreters:

runner = coral.pipeline.PipelinedModelRunner(interpreters)

To use links in the code block, we need to use HTML, however...

HTML code block rendered correctly, except the hyperlink was stripped:

interpreters = []
# Code goes here to populate `interpreters` with TF Interpreter objects,
# each initialized with a different model segment and Edge TPU device.
# (You can use make_interpreter().)
# The order of elements in the list must match the model segmentation order
# (as they were output by the Edge TPU compiler).
for interpreter in interpreters:

runner = coral.pipeline.PipelinedModelRunner(interpreters)


  1. Numbered list item.

    Paragraph inside list item.

    1. Nested numbered list item.

      Another paragraph in list item.

  2. Second item.

    Code block inside list item
  3. Third item.

    Code block with three lines
    Second line
    Third line
  4. Fourth item.

    Code block with blank line
    Second line
    Fourth line
  5. Fifth item.

    # Code block with Python comment
    interpreter = tflite.Interpreter(model_path,

Real world examples

  1. This is a markdown list with HTML code block simply because markdown code blocks don't work inside list elements (as shown above). But for some reason, the code comments are broken:

    interpreters = []

    Code goes here to populate interpreters with TF Interpreter objects,

    each initialized with a different model segment and Edge TPU device.

    (You can use <a href="/docs/reference/py/pycoral.utils.edgetpu/#make_interpreter"


    The order of elements in the list must match the model segmentation order

    (as they were output by the Edge TPU compiler).

    for interpreter in interpreters: interpreter.allocate_tensors()

    runner = coral.pipeline.PipelinedModelRunner(interpreters)

The only workaround is to make the entire list HTML (but the link inside is still stripped):

  1. Fully HTML list:
    interpreters = []
    # Code goes here to populate `interpreters` with TF Interpreter objects,
    # each initialized with a different model segment and Edge TPU device.
    # (You can use make_interpreter().)
    # The order of elements in the list must match the model segmentation order
    # (as they were output by the Edge TPU compiler).
    for interpreter in interpreters:
    runner = coral.pipeline.PipelinedModelRunner(interpreters)


Boot mode Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4