coralmicro API overview

The coralmicro library is written in C++ and is designed for the Coral Dev Board Micro. It is not compatible with other Coral boards or accelerators.

Because the Dev Board Micro is a microcontoller platform, it doesn’t run a general-purpose operating system (such as Linux). Instead, it runs just one application at a time. So your application must include implementation for all the system features it needs, such as a task manager, a filesystem, or a camera interface. Of course, you don’t have to write those yourself; coralmicro provides them for you and only the parts you use are compiled into your app.

coralmicro is based on FreeRTOS, which provides real-time operating system features such as multitasking, task scheduling, and task prioritization. On top of FreeRTOS, coralmicro adds APIs to interact with the camera, microphone, GPIOs, Edge TPU, and much more, all of which are documented in the pages below.

This API reference doesn’t cover the entire coralmicro platform, but it provides everything that most apps need. You can find the rest in the coralmicro source code.

If you’re just getting started with the board, see the Dev Board Micro setup guide. Or to see how to set up your own project (either as an in-tree or out-of-tree project), build it, and flash it, see how to build apps with FreeRTOS.

API summary

  • TensorFlow Lite Micro APIs

    APIs to execute ML models on the MCU or on the Edge TPU, including helper APIs that format the output tensors for popular models such as classification, object detection, and pose estimation.

  • Camera APIs

    APIs to capture images from the Dev Board Micro’s on-board camera.

  • Audio APIs

    APIs to capture audio from the Dev Board Micro’s on-board microphone.

  • I/O Pins APIs

    APIs to interact with digital and analog pins on the two 12-pin headers (GPIO, ADC, DAC, PWM, I2C, SPI), plus APIs to toggle the on-board LEDs.

  • Filesystem APIs

    APIs to read and write files on the flash memory.

  • Network APIs

    APIs for everything network related, including Wi-Fi, Ethernet, HTTP and RPC servers.

  • Bluetooth APIs

    APIs for wireless communication with either classic Bluetooth or Bluetooth low-energy.

  • USB APIs

    APIs for everything USB related, including operating the board as a USB host or USB device, and emulating Ethernet over USB.

  • System APIs

    Various system-level APIs, such as to perform inter-process communication between MCU cores, establish mutex locks, watchdogs, and reset the board.

  • Cryptography

    APIs to perform various cryptography tasks with the a71ch chip.

  • Utility APIs

    Various utility APIs, such as to manipulate strings, generate random numbers, create timers, read temperature sensors, and create JPEG files.

And if you want to build apps for the Dev Board Micro with Arduino, this page includes additional APIs that make some of the above features available with an Arduino-style programming interface (these APIs are meant for Arduino sketches only, not for traditional C++ apps):

API index
