I/O Pins APIs

The Dev Board Micro provides access to several digital pins on the two 12-pin headers, including GPIO, PWM, I2C, and SPI. This page describes all the coralmicro APIs available for these pins, plus APIs for the on-board LEDs.


The Dev Board Micro does not include header pins. For development, we suggest you solder header pins to the board with pins facing down (the direction is important to attach to breadboards and for compatibility with Coral cases). If you plan to put the board into a case, be sure your header pins are long enough to be accessible through the case.

Figure 1. Pinout for the 12-pin headers, LEDs and User button


All pins are powered by the 1.8 V power rail, and provide a max current of approximately 6 mA on most pins.


When handling any of these pins, be cautious to avoid electrostatic discharge or contact with conductive materials (metals). Failure to properly handle the board can result in a short circuit, electric shock, serious injury, death, fire, or damage to your board and other property.


Almost all digital pins on the 12-pin headers can be used for GPIO (exceptions are the UART TX/RX and DAC pins).

To use a GPIO, specify the GPIO pin name (indicated in figure 1), the direction, and pull-up or pull-down with coralmicro::GpioSetMode(). Then set the value or get the value with coralmicro::GpioSet() and coralmicro::GpioGet().

For example:

extern "C" void app_main(void* param) {
  coralmicro::GpioSetMode(coralmicro::Gpio::kAA, coralmicro::GpioMode::kOutput);
  bool on = true;
  while (true) {
    on = !on;
    coralmicro::GpioSet(coralmicro::Gpio::kAA, on);
namespace coralmicro


using GpioCallback = std::function<void()>

The function type required by GpioConfigureInterrupt().


enum Gpio

Pre-configured GPIO pins.


enumerator kStatusLed

On-board Status LED (orange). Instead use LedSet().

enumerator kUserLed

On-board User LED (green). Instead use LedSet().

enumerator kEdgeTpuPgood

Power-good signal from TPU. Active high.

enumerator kEdgeTpuReset

Reset input to TPU. Active low.

enumerator kEdgeTpuPmic

Power-enable input to TPU. Active high.

enumerator kBtRegOn

Enables power regulator on CYW43455 (via B2B connector)

enumerator kUserButton

On-board User button. Active low.

enumerator kCameraTrigger

Trigger GPIO for single-shot camera capture. Not to be used by apps; instead see CameraTask::Trigger().

enumerator kCameraInt

Input from the camera to indicate motion was detected.

enumerator kAntennaSelect

Selects between on-board antenna and antenna connector (for Wi-Fi and BT). Low for internal, high for external.

enumerator kBtHostWake

Input from Bluetooth to wake the host, if it was sleeping.

enumerator kBtDevWake

Output to Bluetooth, to wake the Bluetooth module from sleep.

enumerator kEthPhyRst

Reset signal to the Ethernet PHY. Active low.

enumerator kCameraPrivacyOverride

Override for the Camera LED. Low to disable the LED.

enumerator kCryptoRst

Reset signal to the A71CH. Active low.

enumerator kLpuart1SwitchEnable

Enable signal for the switch that blocks LPUART1 during boot. Set high to allow the LPUART1 signal to pass through.

enumerator kSpiCs

SPI6_CS (GPIO_LPSR_09); right header (J10); pin 5.

enumerator kSpiSck

SPI6_SCK (GPIO_LPSR_10); right header (J10); pin 6.

enumerator kSpiSdo

SPI6_SDO (GPIO_LPSR_11); right header (J10); pin 7.

enumerator kSpiSdi

SPI6_SDI (GPIO_LPSR_12); right header (J10); pin 8.

enumerator kSda6

I2C6_SDA (GPIO_LPSR_06); right header (J10); pin 10.

enumerator kScl1

I2C1_SCL (GPIO_AD_32); right header (J10); pin 11.

enumerator kSda1

I2C1_SDA (GPIO_AD_33); right header (J10); pin 12.

enumerator kAA

ADC1_CH0A (GPIO_AD_06); left header (J9), pin 3.

enumerator kAB

ADC1_CH0B (GPIO_AD_07); left header (J9), pin 4.

enumerator kUartCts

UART6_CTS (GPIO_EMC_B2_00); left header (J9), pin 7.

enumerator kUartRts

UART6_RTS (GPIO_EMC_B2_01); left header (J9), pin 8.

enumerator kPwm1

PWM_B (GPIO_AD_01); left header (J9), pin 9.

enumerator kPwm0

PWM_A (GPIO_AD_00); left header (J9), pin 10.

enumerator kScl6

I2C6_SCL (GPIO_LPSR_07); left header (J9), pin 11.

enumerator kCount

Number of pre-configured GPIOs.

enum GpioInterruptMode

Interrupt modes for use with GpioConfigureInterrupt().


enumerator kIntModeNone

Disables GPIO interrupt.

enumerator kIntModeLow

Interrupt when line is low.

enumerator kIntModeHigh

Interrupt when line is high.

enumerator kIntModeRising

Interrupt when line is rising.

enumerator kIntModeFalling

Interrupt when line is falling.

enumerator kIntModeChanging

Interrupt when line is either rising or falling.

enumerator kIntModeCount

Number of interrupt modes.

enum class GpioMode

GPIO modes for GpioSetMode().


enumerator kInput
enumerator kOutput
enumerator kInputPullUp
enumerator kInputPullDown


void GpioSet(Gpio gpio, bool enable)

Sets the output value of a GPIO.

  • gpio – Pin to configure. Only pins in the Gpio enumeration can be configured with this module. To use a GPIO that is not covered by this module, use the functions in third_party/nxp/rt1176-sdk/devices/MIMXRT1176/drivers/fsl_gpio.h

  • enable – Whether to set the pin to high or low.

bool GpioGet(Gpio gpio)

Gets the input value of a GPIO.


gpio – Pin to read.


Boolean representing high or low state of the pin.

void GpioSetMode(Gpio gpio, GpioMode mode)

Sets the mode of a GPIO.

  • gpio – Pin to configure.

  • mode – Mode to configure the gpio as.

void GpioConfigureInterrupt(Gpio gpio, GpioInterruptMode mode, GpioCallback cb)

Sets the interrupt mode and callback for a GPIO.

  • gpio – Pin to configure.

  • mode – The style of interrupt to sense.

  • cb – Callback function that will be invoked when the interrupt is raised. This is called from interrupt context, so it should not do much work.

void GpioConfigureInterrupt(Gpio gpio, GpioInterruptMode mode, GpioCallback cb, uint64_t debounce_interval_us)

Sets the interrupt mode, callback, and debounce interval for a GPIO.

Example (from examples/button_led/):

[[noreturn]] void Main() {
  printf("Button LED Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  printf("Press the User button.\r\n");

  // Register callback for the user button.
      Gpio::kUserButton, GpioInterruptMode::kIntModeFalling,
      [handle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle()]() { xTaskResumeFromISR(handle); },
      /*debounce_interval_us=*/50 * 1e3);
  bool on = false;
  while (true) {
    on = !on;
    LedSet(Led::kUser, on);
  • gpio – Pin to configure.

  • mode – The style of interrupt to sense.

  • cb – Callback function that will be invoked when the interrupt is raised. This is called from interrupt context, so it should not do much work.

  • debounce_interval_us – Minimum interval in microseconds between repeated invocations of cb. Useful for cases where the GPIO line could toggle back and forth more frequently than expected, such as a mechanical button.


There are two pins pre-configured for pulse-width modulation (PWM) on the left header (pins 9 and 10).

To use a PWM pin, you must first call coralmicro::PwmInit(). Then specify the PWM settings in an instance of coralmicro::PwmPinConfig and pass it to coralmicro::PwmEnable().

Example (from examples/pwm/):

[[noreturn]] void Main() {
  printf("PWM Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  PwmPinConfig pin_a_config{.duty_cycle = 20,
                            .frequency = 1000,
                            .pin_setting = PwmPinSettingFor(PwmPin::k10)};
  PwmPinConfig pin_b_config{.duty_cycle = 80,
                            .frequency = 1000,
                            .pin_setting = PwmPinSettingFor(PwmPin::k9)};
  std::vector<PwmPinConfig> configs = {pin_a_config, pin_b_config};
  while (true) {
namespace coralmicro


enum class PwmPin

The board currently has 2 pwm pins exposed: PWM_A (pin 10 on the left-side header) PWM_B (pin 9 on the left-side header). Note: These pins output a max of 1.8V


enumerator k9
enumerator k10


PwmPinSetting PwmPinSettingFor(PwmPin pin)

Gets the HW settings for a pwm pin.


pin – The pin to get settings for.


A setting for the pin or a std::nullopt.

void PwmInit()

Initializes the PWM module.

void PwmEnable(const std::vector<PwmPinConfig> &pin_configs)

Enables a PWM sub_module with some pins configs.


pin_configs – The list of pin configurations to enable.

void PwmDisable(const std::vector<PwmPinConfig> &pin_configs)

Disables a PWM sub_module.


pin_configs – The list of pin configurations to disable.

struct PwmPinConfig
#include <pwm.h>

Represents the configuration for a single PWM pin.

Public Members

int duty_cycle

The duty cycle (from 0-100) of the PWM waveform.

uint32_t frequency

Frequency in hz.

PwmPinSetting pin_setting

The HW setting of the pin to start duty cycle.

struct PwmPinSetting
#include <pwm.h>

Represents a PWM Pin’s HW setting.

Public Members

PWM_Type *base

Pointer to the base register of the PWM module.

pwm_submodule_t sub_module

The PWM submodule of this pin.

pwm_channels_t pwm_channel

The channel of this pin.


There are two analog-to-digital converter (ADC) pins pre-configured on the left header (pins 3 and 4) and one digital-to-analog converter (DAC) pin on the right header (pin 9).

To use ADC in either single-ended or differential mode, you must first call coralmicro::AdcInit() and coralmicro::AdcCreateConfig(). Then you can read input with coralmicro::AdcRead().

For DAC, first call coralmicro::DacInit() and coralmicro::DacEnable(). Then you can write output with coralmicro::DacWrite().

Example (from examples/analog/):

[[noreturn]] void Main() {
  printf("Analog Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  AdcConfig config{};

  // Set the DAC to 0V before we enable it initially.
  while (true) {
    uint16_t val = AdcRead(config);
    printf("ADC val: %u\r\n", val);
namespace coralmicro


enum class AdcSide

Choices for the primary side of an ADC.


enumerator kA

ADC1_CH0A (GPIO_AD_06); left header, pin 3.

enumerator kB

ADC1_CH0B (GPIO_AD_07); left header, pin 4.


void AdcInit()

Initializes ADC device.

void AdcCreateConfig(AdcConfig &config, int channel, AdcSide primary_side, bool differential)

Populates an ADCConfig struct based on the given parameters.

  • config – Configuration struct to populate.

  • channel – The ADC channel to use (must be less than the max number of channels: kAdc1ChannelCount).

  • primary_side – In single ended mode, this is the pin that’s connected. In differential mode, this is the pin to use as the primary side.

  • differential – Whether or not to run the ADC in differential mode.

uint16_t AdcRead(const AdcConfig &config)

Reads voltage values from an ADC.


config – ADC configuration to use.


Digitized value of the voltage that the ADC is sensing. The ADC has 12 bits of precision, so the maximum value returned is 4095.

void DacInit()

Initializes DAC device.


device – DAC to initialize.

void DacEnable(bool enable)

Sets the state of the DAC. It is recommended that you set a voltage with DacWrite prior to enabling the DAC.


enable – True enables the DAC; false disables it.

void DacWrite(uint16_t value)

Writes voltage values to the DAC.

For example code, see examples/analog/.


value – The voltage value to output. The DAC has 12-bit resolution, so the allowed values are 0 to 4095. The maximum output voltage of the DAC is 1.8V.


constexpr int kAdc1ChannelCount = 6

Available channels on ADC1.

struct AdcConfig
#include <analog.h>

Represents the configuration of an ADC. Each ADC has a 12-bit resolution with 1.8V reference voltage.

Public Members

ADC_Type *device

Pointer to the base register of the ADC.

lpadc_conv_command_config_t conv_config

Configuration for ADC conversion.

lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t trigger_config

Configuration for ADC triggers.


You can use the board as either the device controller or target, using either of two I2C lines on the 12-pin headers:

  • I2C1 (I2c::kI2c1)

    • SDA is pin 10 on the right side

    • SCL is pin 11 on the left side

  • I2C6 (I2c::kI2c6)

    • SDA is pin 12 on the right side

    • SCL is pin 11 on the right side

Example (from examples/i2c/controller.cc):

void Main() {
  printf("i2c Controller Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  auto config = I2cGetDefaultConfig(coralmicro::I2c::kI2c1);

  std::string serial = GetSerialNumber();
  constexpr int kTargetAddress = 0x42;
  int kTransferSize = serial.length();

  printf("Writing our serial number to the remote device...\r\n");
  CHECK(I2cControllerWrite(config, kTargetAddress,
  auto buffer = std::vector<uint8_t>(kTransferSize, 0);

  printf("Reading back our serial number from the remote device...\r\n");
      I2cControllerRead(config, kTargetAddress, buffer.data(), kTransferSize));
  CHECK(memcmp(buffer.data(), serial.data(), kTransferSize) == 0);
  printf("Readback of data from target device matches written data!\r\n");
namespace coralmicro


typedef lpi2c_slave_config_t lpi2c_target_config_t
typedef lpi2c_slave_transfer_t lpi2c_target_transfer_t
typedef lpi2c_slave_handle_t lpi2c_target_handle_t
using TargetCallback = std::function<void(I2cConfig*, lpi2c_target_transfer_t*)>


enum class I2c

I2C buses available on the header pins.


enumerator kI2c1

I2C1_SCL (J10, pin 11) and I2C1_SDA (J10, pin 12)

enumerator kI2c6

I2C6_SCL (J9, pin 11) and I2C6_SDA (J10, pin 10)


I2cConfig I2cGetDefaultConfig(I2c bus)

Gets the default configuration for an I2C bus that is available on the header.


busI2c of the desired bus.


Configuration for using bus.

bool I2cInitController(I2cConfig &config)

Initializes a bus in ‘controller’ mode using the given config.


configI2cConfig to initialize the hardware with.

bool I2cInitTarget(I2cConfig &config, uint8_t address, TargetCallback callback)

Initializes a bus in ‘target’ mode using the given config.

  • configI2cConfig to initialize the hardware with.

  • address – Address to listen for on the bus.

  • callbackTargetCallback method to provide the response data.

bool I2cControllerRead(I2cConfig &config, uint8_t address, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count)

Reads data from the configured bus, in controller mode.

  • configI2cConfig for the configured bus.

  • address – Address of the target device we wish to read from.

  • buffer – Pointer to a buffer that will contain the receieved data.

  • count – Number of bytes to read.

bool I2cControllerWrite(I2cConfig &config, uint8_t address, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count)

Writes data on the configured bus, in controller mode.

  • configI2cConfig for the configured bus.

  • address – Address of the target device we wish to write to.

  • buffer – Pointer to a buffer that contains the data.

  • count – Number of bytes to write.

struct I2cConfig
#include <i2c.h>

Configuration for an I2C interface.

Public Members

LPI2C_Type *base

Base pointer to the I2C peripheral.

int interrupt

Interrupt number for the peripheral.

std::array<uint32_t, 5> sda

IOMUXC configuration for the SDA pin.

std::array<uint32_t, 5> scl

IOMUXC configuration for the SCL pin.

bool controller

True if the interface will be the controller; false if target.

lpi2c_rtos_handle_t controller_handle

Handle for LPI2C RTOS driver.

lpi2c_master_config_t controller_config

Configuration for LPI2C in controller mode.

lpi2c_target_config_t target_config

Configuration for LPI2C in target mode.

lpi2c_target_handle_t target_handle

Handle for LPI2C driver in target mode.

std::function<void(I2cConfig*, lpi2c_target_transfer_t*)> target_callback

Callback function for sending data in target mode. Note: this will be called in interrupt context, so this can’t take too long to execute.

uint32_t clk_freq

Root clock frequency of the I2C module.


There is one serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus pre-configured on the right header:

  • Pin 5 is chip select

  • Pin 6 is clock

  • Pin 7 is data out

  • Pin 8 is data in

Example (from examples/spi/):

void Main() {
  printf("SPI Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  constexpr int kTransferBytes = 256;
  std::array<uint8_t, kTransferBytes> tx_data{};
  std::array<uint8_t, kTransferBytes> rx_data{};
  for (int i = 0; i < kTransferBytes; ++i) {
    tx_data[i] = i;
    rx_data[i] = 0;

  SpiConfig config{};
  CHECK(SpiTransfer(config, tx_data.data(), rx_data.data(), kTransferBytes));
  printf("Executing a SPI transaction.\r\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < kTransferBytes; ++i) {
    CHECK(tx_data[i] == rx_data[i]);
  printf("Transaction success!\r\n");
namespace coralmicro


void SpiGetDefaultConfig(SpiConfig *config)

Gets the default configuration for using SPI on the device header.


configSpiConfig to populate with default values.

bool SpiInit(SpiConfig &config)

Initializes SPI with a given configuration.


configSpiConfig to initialize hardware with.


True on success; false otherwise.

bool SpiTransfer(SpiConfig &config, uint8_t *tx_data, uint8_t *rx_data, size_t size)

Executes a transfer over SPI with the given configuration.

  • configSpiConfig to use to execute the transaction.

  • tx_data – Pointer to data that will be sent.

  • rx_data – Pointer to a buffer to contain received data (may be NULL).

  • size – Number of bytes to transfer.


True on success; false otherwise.

struct SpiConfig
#include <spi.h>

Configuration for a SPI interface.

Public Members

LPSPI_Type *base

Base pointer to the SPI peripheral.

int interrupt

Interrupt number for the peripheral.

std::array<uint32_t, 5> cs

IOMUXC configuration for CS pin.

std::array<uint32_t, 5> out

IOMUXC configuration for SDO pin.

std::array<uint32_t, 5> in

IOMUXC configuration for SDI pin.

std::array<uint32_t, 5> clk

IOMUXC configuration for SCK pin.

lpspi_rtos_handle_t handle

Handle for LPSPI RTOS driver.

lpspi_master_config_t config

Config for LPSPI module.

uint32_t clk_freq

Output clock frequency.


These APIs allow you to control the LEDs built into the Dev Board Micro, indicated in figure 1.

To control other LEDs attached to GPIO pins, you must instead use the GPIO APIs, but beware that a GPIO pin alone is not strong enough to drive an LED.


The camera LED is not available with this API because it’s intended to give people awareness that images are being captured by an image sensor for storage, processing, and/or transmission. We strongly recommend this LED behavior remain unchanged and always be visible to users.

Example (from examples/blink_led/):

[[noreturn]] void Main() {
  printf("Blink LED Example!\r\n");
  // Turn on Status LED to show the board is on.
  LedSet(Led::kStatus, true);

  bool on = true;
  while (true) {
    on = !on;
    LedSet(Led::kUser, on);
namespace coralmicro


enum class Led

Available board LEDs.


enumerator kStatus

Orange status LED.

enumerator kUser

Green user-programmable LED.

enumerator kTpu

White Edge TPU LED. The Edge TPU must be powered to use this.


bool LedSet(Led led, bool enable)

Turns an LED on or off.

  • led – The LED to enable/disable.

  • enable – True turns the LED on, false turns it off.


True upon success, false otherwise.

bool LedSetBrightness(Led led, int brightness)

Turns an LED on or off with brightness setting.

  • led – The LED to enable/disable.

  • brightness – The LED brightness, from 0 to 100.


True upon success, false otherwise.


constexpr int kLedFullyOn = 100

Fully-on brightness for Set(led, enable, brightness)

constexpr int kLedFullyOff = 0

Fully-off brightness for Set(led, enable, brightness)